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Should Agents Buy Insurance Leads?

Agents without insurance leads are unemployed.
But should they be buying their leads or should they be trying to figure out lead generation by themselves?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

Buying leads

For most insurance agents, buying insurance leads is part of their weekly routine.
Lead generation is time-consuming and buying in bulk from lead companies is vastly more convenient.
These companies get leads from online advertisements, quote engines, and inbound marketing among other ways.
Aged leads are a way to purchase leads and still be thrifty, as they are typically sold at a heavily discounted rate. This provides a healthy return on investment.
Obviously purchasing insurance leads is fruitful, otherwise lead generation companies would be out of business.
Businesses like Secure Agent Leads continually gather new people to sell as leads, so they are experts at qualifying, demographic targeting, and staying on top of all the new tactics and changes.

Doing it yourself

To be quite honest, just about everything lead companies do can be done in-house provided you have the budget and time.
You can either take the time to do it yourself, or hire someone to do it for you.
There are a few ways insurance agents can have success doing lead generation in-house:

  • Advertising
  • SEO and blogging
  • Social Media lead generation
  • Host attractive (not blatant insurance sales) events

Advertising can be online or offline, but online ads typically do better because of specific targeting and cost.
Optimizing your website through SEO helps your search engine ranking when people are searching for insurance agents in their area or product interest.
Through blogging, you can help this tremendously. We won’t go through the specifics but a simple search of SEO blogging will show you all the benefits.
Social Media lead generation, the service Secure Agent Leads provides, has varying techniques company to company but for the most part it is targeting individuals based on extremely specific demographics and interests who are actively searching for your insurance product.
Event hosting is a creative one. Insurance agents can put on educational or special interest events and through ticket purchasing or free signups, collect event goers information to turn them into leads.

Bottom line

As you can see, it’ll take a significant amount of your time to develop your own insurance leads.
For some insurance agents, it’ll be worth the effort! Others enjoy the convenience of buying leads.
If the latter is you, Secure Agent Leads supplies over 1,200 agents each month with insurance leads and we’d be happy to give you a quote.

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