Aged Leads

How Personal Branding Helps Sell Insurance

One thing insurance agents are slow to adopt is personal branding. Prospects like dealing with actual people, not a business. So, in turn, your insurance business will only grow so far if you focus only on your products.

Build your value

Tell your insurance leads what it is that you bring to the table that others can’t. So, ask yourself: “What is it that I do extremely well?” Find your niche. If you can’t get specific about the difference in your business and another, your insurance leads won’t know they need to buy from you. You don’t just sell insurance. You “are the best at explaining your products” and so on.

Show your value

One area insurance agents and many others are lacking in is content. As you’ve been told and told again, content is king. So, create and create to show people what it is you do better than anyone else. Then, promote that so people can find and connect with you. Secure Agent Leads gets a lot of business just from people viewing our content on social media and YouTube. We aren’t joking. Personal branding will help you sell insurance.

Make the most out of testimonials and referrals

When someone raves about you being such a great insurance agent and delivering the goods, ask them if you can share it on your social media! Furthermore, referrals — as we’re sure you know — are HUGE. But make sure your clients know how to refer you by explaining what it is you’re best at. For example, “Let your friends know how much I care about each and every one of my clients.”

Be the expert

First and foremost, educate yourself in your field of expertise. Once you do that, put out useful content for others. Speak at events. Make videos. Write articles. Obviously, your top priority is to sell insurance but be sure to set aside time to do these things as well. This will make you the expert in your field and your potential clients will see that.


Your point of view or tone will help separate you from the crowd. Millions of people sell insurance. Get yourself noticed. You’ll notice Cody doesn’t always appear buttoned up. He’ll joke around, call people buddy and isn’t always wearing a suit. This lets people know he’s approachable and more down-to-earth. It’s not only about what you’re saying but how you’re saying it.
Now that you’re about to go create a personal brand and slay the insurance world, be sure you have a steady flow of leads. Don’t have a ton of money to spend on leads right off the bat? No need to worry as Secure Agent Leads now has Aged Leads! They are 30-90 day old leads, but are an affordable alternative to real-time leads to help new agents get started.

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