Personal Brand

Here’s where a lot of insurance agents fail: their personal brand.
There is nothing separating you from any other insurance agent slinging the same product if you don’t have a personal brand.
If your clients know you based simply on your carrier, you are limiting yourself.
Clients should be able to tell their friends and family things about YOU that set YOU apart from other agents. Your clients shouldn’t have to figure out the difference between carriers.
Building a personal brand and giving your clients something concrete to say about you maximizes your ability to earn money based on referrals. It makes you a memorable insurance agent.
All of which builds value when you go to make a new sale.
Don’t have an idea where to start when it comes to building your brand?
Secure Agent Leads publishes articles on this topic and many others to help make you the best insurance agent you can be.

Developing a personal brand

Developing a personal brand as an insurance agent

Is developing a personal brand in the insurance industry important? It absolutely is. It’s how you will separate yourself from the thousands of other insurance agents, the new businesses promising coverage over a cell phone app, and so on. Personal branding improves your stream of clients, builds credibility, and associates YOU with the market niche. …

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