Best ending to an appointment-setting script

Best ending to appointment-setting script

If you’ve followed us for very long, you likely know our appointment-setting script.
However, we’ve really only shown the bare bones of it and there are some ways to solidify your appointments and reduce no-shows and cancellations.
Here is the current appointment-setting script we’ve said tons of times on our videos and blogs:

Hello, (lead’s first name)?
[wait for confirmation]
Hey, this is (your name). I’m getting back to you about your request for the new (your product) information. I’m the local field underwriter and I’ll be out in your area on (insert day), should I drop this information off in the morning or in the afternoon? [set within the next 48 hours] Is (insert time) or (insert time) better?

Now let’s add some flair to the end to lock those appointments in!

Ending an appointment-setting script

There are a few things we do at the end of our appointment-setting script to increase the chances of a prospect honoring their appointment:
Confirm the address —
After they choose one of two times you offer, say, “Let me go ahead and confirm your address. Are you still at [read their address to them]?”
Ask to describe their place —
After getting them to confirm their address, ask them to describe their home. Is it an apartment, house, or trailer? Are there any special directions you need to get there? What color is your home or apartment complex? This won’t just help you find their place in case of any difficulties getting there, but will get them to visualize you being there.
Write it down —
“Do me a favor real quick. Grab a pen and paper for me. Let me know when you’re ready. I’m putting you on my calendar now. So, please grab a pen and paper and let me know when you’re ready. Are you ready? *wait for yes* OK, great. I want you to write down three things: *Say day of appointment, time, and your name*” If they refuse, ask them how they remember dates and times of important appointments. Then, talk them through that process. Just get them to do something to record it so they visualize you coming and it sticks in their memory better.
Would there be any reason…? —
Some people think this is a bad tactic, but I think this avoids some cancellations. At this juncture, I ask them, “Would there be any reason you couldn’t make this appointment? Can you think of anything?” Some people legitimately forget about another appointment. So, asking this allows for them to remember and you can move your appointment to avoid no-shows.
See ya! —
Restate the time and date one more time. “I look forward to seeing you at *insert date and time*!”
Now you’re ready to get out there and close some insurance leads! Try out your new appointment-setting script on our exclusive leads designed to your demographic needs!

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