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Networking Tips for Insurance Agents

Networking as an insurance agent can help you create a support system, find mentors and also referrals. However, networking isn’t as simple as just shaking hands with other insurance agents at conferences and yakking about insurance leads. Here are tips from Secure Agent Leads to help you become a networking guru.

Be the connector

Do you know two insurance agents that would benefit from a connection? Be the one who puts them in contact! When you’re the person introducing two agents you’ll assume a position of power within that new group. The more times you do this, the higher you’ll climb.

Show up early

Whether it’s insurance conferences or smaller “meetings” or whatever, pop in early and meet the organizers. Event organizers clearly must know a lot of people (they got them to show up to their event after all) and when you’re one of the first people there, you’ll have a better chance of meeting them. Get to know them, compliment their event and get their contact info.

Don’t talk shop

Instead of talking about your job and getting lost in the crowd, find other common ground with them and you’ll be more likely to have an interesting conversation and stick out.

Follow up

Just like you need to call your insurance lead several times to ensure success, so too do you need to follow up with your new contacts from networking events. Send a personal email or mail them a thank-you card telling them you appreciate them for taking the time to talk to you. Start developing a relationship with the person. That’s what will make them more likely to connect you with others.

Find the outliers

Find the person who is off to themselves and talk to them. Why?
Who’s more likely to remember you:
— The guy who is the center of attention and has a bunch of people talking to them
— The person who was leaning on the wall, too nervous to jump in the ocean of people at first
It’s obviously the second choice.
Again, this is going to put you in the position of power and they’re going to be more impressed, shortening the amount of time before they feel comfortable referring you to others. Another important part of networking is to be a successful agent that they’ll want to connect with. This means hitting your sales goals.
To hit your sales goals you’ll need a pipeline of potential clients. Secure Agent Leads has sold over a million real-time insurance leads and is trusted by over 10,000 insurance agents.

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